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kowenicki said:
ManUtdFan said:
kowenicki said:
ManUtdFan said:
kowenicki said:
ManUtdFan said:
kowenicki said:
ManUtdFan said:

I'd reiterate, PS3 sales are fairly steady. They certainly haven't 'died on their arse' yet, and they're not likely to in 2013. Japan especially, they like their role-playing games, so games like The Last of Us and Beyond: Two Souls going off past trends, are likely to shift significant numbers of hardware.

This point may be contentious, but why would 'previously' eager Wii owners with virtually no new titles to get excited about immediately upgrade to a WiiU, when its software line-up right now is in a similar state? There's still a wide gap in sales between Wii and PS3 in Japan, therefore why shouldn't some Wii owners be more tempted to invest in a PS3? keeping its sales fairly strong for another year. 

The Last Of Us and Beyond will shift significant numbers of hardware in Japan?!?!?


Sorry but your post is a load of old nonsense.


Don't you know how things work in Japan? Whenever a new game is released that registers huge sales, there's also a concurrent increase in the console sales the game is played on. Similar to how Call of Duty games shift hardware in the US.

Excuse me.  I know EXACTLY how they work.  But the Last of us and Beyond are NOT Japanese type games.  Not even remotely.

You are embarrassing yourself.

Actually, The Last of Us and Beyond are games that will very likely appeal to the Japanese even if they're not typical JRPGs. The proof will be in the sales of course.   

Using terms like 'total ignorance', 'load of old nonsense' and 'embarrassing yourself' will get you nowhere. You're probably treading a thin line though. 

Not at all.  You are miles off in your "analysis".  They aren typical JRPG's they arent even RPG's.

True, technically they're not RPGs, they're arcade adventures. For me there's overlap between the two. When playing Far Cry 3 I feel almost like I'm playing an RPG as much as a first-person-shooter. There are elements to the game similar to the quests in RPGs.

To my mind the more immersive an arcade adventure is, the closer it will 'feel' to a role-playing game. I'm sure though you will find fault with that 'analysis' because you need the objective interpretation, thereby the dictionary definition. 

I don't need to find fault with it, youv'e moved the discussion.  You originally said that Last of us and Beyond would move significant hardware in japan.

Its just not going to happen. They wont move any hardware in Japan.  I doubt you will find anyone that agrees with you.

I addressed your point concerning the definition of RPGs, so sorry if I went off topic. Point being, why should japanese be so close-minded as to be disinterested in games like Last of Us and Beyond when they could well be genre defining. Judging by japanese attitudes to video gaming/technology in general, they don't exactly strike me as lacking open-mindedness. Why then shouldn't they get hooked into these games, metal gear solid etc? imo aforementioned PS3 exclusives will shift hardware sales in all territories, including japan. If Last of Us and Beyond don't give japan incentive to buy PS3s no game will. But again you're probably going to have a problem with that.