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Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:

Yeah well, I went on a holiday for 8 days from dec 2012 to jan 2013.

I saw a lot of couples holding hands and such and it just made me so lonely at times. Especially at new year's eve.

I went on to say sorry to this girl in and she ended up calling me a brother. I was looking for a meaningful relation ship with her but I was depressed for a very short time afterwards. (A few minutes or so lol). But then I thought... well she "brother zoned" me, I've got to start somewhere and I think being a 'brother' to this girl is a good place to start.

Im working on it

Despite those depressing few minutes, it somehow gave me great satisfaction that I didn't emotionally hurt her as much as I thought I did. But then I also got a response indicating that she doesn't like me as much as I thought she did. After all, its only a fb message and I've yet to see her face to face since then.

Kinda weird that I feel so damn attracted to her but not to other more attractive girls (she's cute nonetheless).

Just stop right here. Girls friendzone guys in 99% of the cases to not hurt their feelings. Its a polite way to say you are not making me wet. I personally never knew a guy who came out of the so called friendzone which really most of the time doesn't even mean you are a friend (or brother in your case). It often just means I can tolerate your presence to a certain extent.

If a girl wants you they will show it clearly its impossible to not pick up on their advances unless they would just settle for you if nobody comes around. Then you get mixed signals which often leads to confussion.

Sexual attraction is just as important as a compatibility to the character of the girl.

It seems like people think its shallow not to pretend like hotness is not a factor but thats just a lie.

 So I am saving you alot of time and say it right now: You are not hot enough for her and your character and other attributes don't make up for your unadequate attractivness.

The uglier you are the more points you have to collect in other fields to be considered a suitable mate.

Do you know why douchbags often get the girl ? They are almost always good looking or the alpha in their group. Which is why they can afford to be douchbags. 

Later ofcourse they mature enough and stop the douchbaggery or take a submissive girl. Ok here some ways to handle the situation:


So lets recap you, clearly are not good enough for her right now. Depending on what she dislikes about you, you can eventually fix that, the problem is she will never tell you what it is, often she doesn't realize it herself. Just try to improve yourself in whatever area you think its right. If you are fat lose weight. If her exes were fat, gain weight. If they were thin like rails run alot and eat less. If you dress like a hobo get into fashion and learn to dress the necessary way.  

Ok the exterior look is the easier part and can be quite effective girls are just as influenced as guys, some more some less there is a base line of acceptable looks most people have. Some might pretend not to but just so they seem not shallow or because they themselfs are not exactly good looking. We are preprogrammed to desire healthy mates with good genes. Looks and the pherhomones you produce are the signals for health besides the obvious symptoms of disease. So if you want this girl superbad try to change your body/clothes.


This will give you an advantage but there is only so much you can do. But luckily men can boost their attractivness way higher through other means.

First we have the obvious money. Ofcourse this one is hard certainly a long term solution. Money signalizes to women that you are doing something of value that you are productive in some form that you can handle your life. This are attractive qualities in a man and women pick up on that. Ofcourse not having money doesn't automatically mean you can't handle your life  but its a good thing to have going for you in any case. Women are attracted to males with money also due to the sense of security money gives. The poorer a woman the more points is having money going to give you. Don't forget everyone who is about to starve is automatically a hooker. Its not shallow being attracted to money to a certain extent. But what women also value is men who are trying. The point where money stops playing a role is when everybody has it.


Ok now we come to your personality. This is harder then the first things it also depends on the woman what kind of guy she prefers but here are some points which will help:

Be respected in your social group. It doesn't matter if you are the king of nerds women are attracted to the alpha which doesn't mean beating people up and being loud. But if others value your opinion and look up to you for something you can do like certain skills its attractive. Women really melt when you are good at something they respect. And even if they think its silly its still better than doing nothing it only turns into a minus if it annoys them or they disapprove of it.

Also being social is important to some degree. And you can only be akward if you are cute. Awkward and not cute is a bad mix.


Words are not that important to women. You can't say the right stuff so she suddenly falls in love with you. Thats the main problem with guys in the friendzone. They think there is nothing that is wrong with them and aslong as they hang around and say the right stuff or buy her stuff she magically falls in love. They hope that she will meet a row of insufferable assholes or will be desperate enough to take them in the future. But they don't realize that they are not good enough.

Who would want to have a relationship and sex with a person which lacks something you want.

Girls are all different to a degree sure but every girl has some things she likes to have in a man she wants for a relationship and often a different set of rules for just sex. Which are just looks and social attributes. I personally am friends with a guy who was never denied sex in his whole life by any girl. He just uses his power rationally but this kind of appeal can not be copied.


All the things mentioned above can get her to fall in love with you or atleast have sex with you. But you can't fake it you have to want to be the type of guy she wants to be with or it will not work and you will fail anyway. All those points will help you but changing just for a girl wont help you. And even if you get all the points by developing the urge to want all of that what she secretly sees as something she wants, you have to forget about her to even get started.

This is why there is no way out of the friendzone but be glad the tables often turn when you grow up if you are a man. Alot of the hot girls withered away within few years and became fat old stressed out moms a lot of guys became frustrated disillusioned and lazy with no hair (in their twenties),  its funny how life can change in a few years. 

I also found out what love really means its not just wanting a girl but truly be able to miss her and stand her presence in your daily life. 

And to find out if you love someone you have to be close already and not just being in her presence playing friends. If your hormones settle down you can end up noticing all the flaws she has and this time actually give a shit.

That means there is no way that you love her you just think you do. There are over 3.5 Billion Women on this planet and I can guarantee you she isn't the best woman you will meet (assuming you meet a normal amount of people in your life). 

My final advice to you. Forget her and go on do what you really want to do and if she changes her mind about you fine. If not wait for a girl which wants you with all your current flaws.

Think about it that way. You meet a girl but she fails to attract you for whatever reasons. She makes advances but you say no and lets be friends to not hurt her feelings.  She starts to orbit around you like a satellite but she is nice and you enjoy hanging out with her as friend, she turns out to be a really good friend helps you out alot and likes to talk with you but thats it for you. There is a dead end here. This girl will not change her mind. Hoping she will and waiting for her is the worst thing you can do. Get a gf of your own this might make her curios but date a girl in her league atleast. She will wonder if she misjudged you and rethink her standards which could turn out positive for you.  

But the reason I wrote this in the first place is not to give you dating advice but to show you clearly waiting in the friendzone will not help you. Stay in contact but keep on living without annoying her with relationship stuff or being super emotional all the time (this also works only when cute but not for long unless you are super cute) your post reads like a failure waiting to happen and could cost you time, that you can't get back anymore.