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Voted Americans because they advertise their towns with stupid stuff such as "Come see the World's 'Biggest Ball of Strings'".

Like, who the hell cares?


Realistically though, I've only been to New York (Manhattan, Brooklyn, Staten Island), and Philadelphia's International Airport. I've found the New Yorkers at least to be very friendly, non-arrogant people. The people working on the Philly Airport however... But I guess their job was just frustrating or something.
It is true a lot of French people dislike tourists, especially in the cities. And in Disneyland. Sure, there are nice French people though. I once stayed in a small castle in Brittany (that's a region on the large western peninsula right underneath England) which was located in an equally small village and those people were all very friendly.
All the British (though most of them would rather ignore you), German, Italian and Spanish people I've seen didn't come off as arrogant.

I don't know how we, the Dutch, are known in the world. I know there's a whole lot of American jokes and sayings concerning us, but I think we're okay . Probably most comparable to Germans.