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Many people on the Chartz believe that a flop is a product that fails to meet expectations of forum members. I personally find this line of thinking to be absurd, but people insist that expectations are the best way to determine if a product is a flop. Here is an accurate definition of a flop based on expectations.

- flop: [noun] - a product that performs considerably below the general expectations of the community.

Let's apply this reasoning to determine if the Wii U is a flop or not. 


Expected Wii U Sales 3.44m
Actual Wii U Sales 2.45m
Percent Difference -29%
# of expectations met 16 (32%)
# of expectations not met 34 (68%)

Expected Wii U sales = average predictions based on this thread
Actual Wii U sales are according to VGChartz

As you can see, the Wii U has failed to meet the expectations of VGChartz users. The average VGChartz user expected the Wii U to sell around 3.44 million units its first year. Unfortunately, the console only sold 2.44 million, nearly one-million units (30%) less than predicted. And that's not the worst statistic from this data. Out of a total of 50 entries, the Wii U only met 16 predictions. That means the Wii U failed to meet 34 predictions, which is more than two-thirds of total predictions. It's safe to say, the Wii U failed to meet expectations.

Again, I don't agree with the reasoning that expectations determine a product's success, but many do. For those who do, is the Wii U a flop? It only met 32% of total predictions. I'm not too sure with the logic behind this reasoning, so for those who follow this reasoning, maybe you could help me out.

Is the Wii U a flop? If so, is it a MAJOR flop? If you answered yes to both, then the next question is obviously: Do we need to talk about it?


EDIT: Oh, and for those who have previously used expectations to determine if a game is a flop, don't come in here and change your reasoning to suit your agenda (you know who you are). If you do, then you WILL BE EXPOSED.