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Runa216 said:

There are none.

Well, that's not entirely true, but relatively speaking, Porn is harmless. Sure, porn addiction can be damaging to one's psyche, social status, and physical well-being, but ANY addiction can do that. I'm just getting so sick of people acting like looking at porn is, without failure, going to force you to ignore work, disregard your girlfriend/wife, stop hanging out with friends, and turn into a scrawny unhealthy mess of a person. The ignorance surrounding the subject is baffling, and I would love to pull a hippie moment and remind people that freedom, openness, trust, honesty, and balance will do more to help your overall standings with friends and family than trying to censor yourself or repress your desires.

Porn is not sinful. It is not harmful. It is not detrimental to your health or well-being. Porn is just another part of life that needs to be approached with regulation and common sense. Hell, even water can kill you if you drink too much. So keep that in mind when trying to demonize something as abundant and harmless as porn.

Seriously, people, it's not hard to enjoy a fap session, or watch porn and get in the mood to go have fun with your partner. The only time something is immoral or dangerous is when it harms someone, and porn only harms if you enjoy it at the expense of others; the same goes for any compulsion.   

If your at the point where you need to watch porn to be aroused, then you are already suffering the effects of watching too much porn and should cease completely until normal sexual activities are resumed (that is, being aroused by reality not only fantasy)