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sunK1D said:

We're part of this 10% minority that actually are vocal and participate in online discussions, etc. 90% of the people out there are just consumerist and they will buy whatever gets the upperhand in marketing. We all know Sony is really good at marketing right..?

Microsoft is appealing to a demographic that you're not part of. People seem to have a problem understanding this. Good news though, you have choices, buy a PS3 or maybe even the PS4 if Sony doesn't start charging for online too.

You're right, I'm not part of their current Kinect target audience. But what does that have to do with Xbox Live fees? 

Seriously though, the kind of person who plays Call of Duty on 360 is the same kind of person who does so on PS3. This is the same "demographic" and I am part of it...

Sony doesn't have to be good at marketing since most people alrady know that PS3 offers free online and 360 doesn't. Like I said this will be a bigger factor coming into next-gen.