Mazty said:
peachbuggy said:
Mazty said:
peachbuggy said:
This is where you are showing your ignorance. The smartglass and tablet ideas are indicative of what always happen in the games industry. Nintendo innovates then the other companies try to shamelessly rip the ideas off.
Have you even held the Wii u gamepad? It is an amazing idea for a controller and holds so many possibilities with its multi input capabilities. I am positive Nintendo will find many ways to innovate with this setup, not so sure about 3rd parties. You just wait till 1st party games start coming regularly, Wii u will be fine.
You need to work on how quoting works...
Ignorance? When did I say that MS or Sony were not copying Nintendo? Please do not throw terms around so incorrectly as I never claimed originallity or used it in my argument. I simply said it is not a unique feature of the Wii U, which is a fact.
Wii U will not be fine. It's power draw is too low and puts it squarely in this generation; there has been no "PGR3" for the wii u. Therefore when the next-box is revealed, if it has a significantly higher power draw, the wii u will be left with the 7th gen, and not seen as an 8th gen console, as it won't be able to keep up with the other consoles. Joining the 7th gen party 7 years late is a very big mistake. Most gamers are not going to get a wii u when most of their friends/franchises are already on their existing console(s).
No we wasn't discussing originality we were discussing innovations and i was telling you how Nintendo innovates. You were the one who brought up smartglass and i was the one who explained to you that was ripping off innovation. How hard is that to understand? You obviously are a Ps360 fan which would explain how you don't know what you are talking about. Perhaps you could explain to me the last time the most powerful console won their generation? There is just no telling some people!
Until you learn how to use the quote system I'm not going to address what you say beyond this reply.
Innovation isn't going to sell if it's not unique. I'm also a PC gamer; I have no bias when it comes to consoles.
Also dumbing a generation down to simply specs is a gross simplification of an incredibly complex market.
I know how to quote. I'm not just some fly-by night poster who just started here. Also, smart move contradicting yourself finally admitting you have no knowledge of an incredibly complex market which most certainly doesn't rely solely on horsepower alone. I feel quite sure i can count down the minutes to your next ban, hopefully this time permanent.
In my opinion the N64 was not just the best console of the 5th gen but, to this day the best console ever created!