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I want to play the game with my daughter in the room.  She's 9.  ?Outside of the infamous "adult scene" in the game, what other areas of the game are significantly "mature" in nature?  She plays shooters that aren't bloody -- i.e. Earth Defense Force, call of duty games (Teen Rating) and the like so I'm not concerned about people and/or aliens being shot but if it is gory or the language is bad, I'll have to play late at night...  Also, where is the sex scene?  Is it early in the game and is it obvious it is coming so I can "pause" and come back later?


I hate trolls.

Systems I currently own:  360, PS3, Wii, DS Lite (2)
Systems I've owned: PS2, PS1, Dreamcast, Saturn, 3DO, Genesis, Gamecube, N64, SNES, NES, GBA, GB, C64, Amiga, Atari 2600 and 5200, Sega Game Gear, Vectrex, Intellivision, Pong.  Yes, Pong.