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Barozi said:
gergroy said:
Barozi said:
gergroy said:
how do people even let the government be in charge of this kind of crap? Who had the idea of a freaking name registry? It's like marriage, who had the bright idea of letting the government decide who could marry who?

These are personal things that government has no business being involved in. Governments should be in charge of enforcing laws that ensure safety and stability of the country and its citizens, not restricting personal freedoms. Just my two cents on the matter...



Seriously why is it so hard to understand that some parents are just stupid and name their children after completely idiotic things ?
This is obviously a measure against bullying or rather to give children a fair chance in life.

If you hit your child with a baseball bat it wouldn't be the government's business either according to your logic.
Fact is no one OWNS a child, not even the parents and if they mistreat a child in some way, it IS the government's business.

I would agree though that you should be able to re-name yourself (no matter what name) ONCE after you become an adult.

bad analogy, especially since the next sentence in my post says that government should be in charge of the safety of its citizens.  

As far as bullying, do you really think that controlling peoples names is going to change bullying?  Kids are going to bully each other, its the way of life.  My name is Greg, normal name right?  I was teased in elementary school with stuff about me wetting the bed, because it kind of rhymed.  "Greg eats bread and wets the bed."  Not clever, or true, but that is kids for ya.  

As far as how some parents are stupid and name their kids idiotic things, how many parents are guilty of this?  .0001% of the population?  So you are fine with regulating the other 99.999% of the population to prevent the other .001% from doing something stupid?  

This is not something the government should be involved in.  If the name is obviously malicious, like dog poop, sure, don't let them name them that.  However, to have any offical names list is ridiculous and an overstep of government.  I really don't see how you can even support this crap. 

it's better than doing nothing and yes I think it's a very good measure, since there is absolutely no harm in it. It's certainly the parents' fault if they can't find a name out of 2000 (depending on the list) possibilities.

well, I think the article this thread is based on shows that the list is in fact limiting.  Also, how is it better than doing nothing?  This is a perfect example of government digging at a problem that isn't there.  You're fine with not being able to name your child something that actually means something to you, even though the governments solution doesn't solve the problem at all?  

How can you say it is  VERY GOOD measure?  you said in your first reply that you should be able to change your name as an adult to whatever you want.  Obviously it is not a very good measure as the government is seeking to control all names, not just that of kids.