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Aiaiai, please Sony don't go down that path. It'll only cost you hardware sales (and thus software sales which ironically you are trying to prevent).

This doesn't just affect you buying a used game, this has major repercussions.
This means you are unable to lend a game from a friend, or take a game with you to a friend's house to play. Unless you bring your PS too. You can't even get multiple consoles in your own home, because you can only play the game on one, unless they let you 'sync' the two consoles and it's accounts somehow.
Also, of a little less importance but still a direct consequence: In the future, there will be no retro-market for the console that implements this. Once someone buys this hardware or a game, it's value is immediately near $0 because no-one else can properly use it anymore. Some buyers get certain consoles as an investment to, and this won't be a good investment anymore.

Bad, bad idea.

Personally, I don't like to be 'enslaved' so to say. I'd like to be able to do whatever I want with the stuff I buy for eternity.