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Legend11 said:
VGKing said:
I think the fact that PS3 will surpass 360 itself isn't that important, its what it means that gets people mad. It means the Playstation brand is still strong and once it surpasses the means its stronger. It also means that next-gen Sony has the chance to take the lead much earlier since the Playstation brand has recovered.

(No, Playstation Vita isn't any indication of the strength of the Playstation brand)

The 360 sold 50+ million more than the last console, has the biggest third party franchises on its platform, and is dominant in North America so I doubt any 360 fans will care if the PS3 ever does manage to pass the 360 (other than to roll their eyes at people trying to spin what amounts to a massive decline in marketshare and mindshare from last generation). 

As for the Playstation brand having recovered, from where I'm sitting it doesn't dominate North America, Japan, UK, etc and Vita is basically a massive flop so to me that isn't even close to a recovery for the brand.  As for that chance of taking the lead next generation we'll have to wait and see what happens but this past year has shown they're still far from their old selves.

Pretty much exactly this. As someone who enjoys both MS and Sony consoles, the only thing that matters to me is that the 360 is dominant in the US and has a strong footing in Europe as well. Since those are the two biggest markets in gaming, that ensures the 360 has a large userbase and thus is supported for a long time. I loved the original Xbox but it did terrible in sales compared to the PS2 and support was dropped very fast. It wouldn't bother me for MS to finish in 3rd, so long as it isn't a distant 3rd that affects the console. Hell last gen it wasn't even 3rd, it was 2nd, and was still a bad enough beatdown that it made MS move on from the console early.

As far as caring about this "milestone", the only people who really care are Sony fanboys. They'll view it as some sort of huge win, even though as you said, the brand is still weaker, and it's just 2nd place. I'd still be worried if I were a Sony fanboy. As someone who owns both consoles and just enjoys the games, I am glad they sell a similar amount because it means both stay around longer and get more games. I couldn't care less that the PS3 sells better in irrelevant places like Japan and Guatemala.

To the fanboys griping about how other people downplay the potential passing of the 360, maybe if you guys didn't predict it every year and make way too many threads about it, a bigger deal would be made by other people? Just a suggestion to take into account for next gen. Let the game come to you.