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I also forgot to mention how much i dislike the day/night cycle. At first I thought it was cool, just because it was the first time i'd seen a day/night cycle in a game. But it was so annoying when I wanted to get into town but I had to stand and bash away at constantly spawning monsters waiting for the sun to come up so the bloody drawbridge would be lowered. As was having to go into the field and wait for the time to change in order to do particular side quests and such.

Of course when you learn the day and night songs it stops being an issue.

Also it doesn't make the world seem bigger when travelling across it (as intended apparently) It just makes the day/night cycle seem really, really short in this world. Unless my character is in a town... because that causes time to stop apparently... I know it's suppossed to be one of those things you just accept because it's a game... but seriously how is that suppossed to work? XD