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Weird choice, I know.  I liked him because... idk why really.  He was a posh, english, upper-class bear who only wanted one thing in life.

I actually never got tired of him insulting me for being poor because he was just so consistenly funny.  

Special mention to these three as well:


Ellis - for being a really humorous but weird character that made L4D2 a better game than it already is.

Kai - for being a complete oddball yet surprisingly emotional character which again, made HS that little bit better.

Sweet Tooth - for giving racing games a story.  His motivations never fail to make me go "wtf" like every good crazed serial killer should.


(Compiling this list made me realise I have weird tastes in videogame characters.  I find lead characters very often have very little depth, which leads me to liking side characters a lot more)

edit: And for some reason I completely forgot about this incredible character, so adding her in as well: