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1. Shining Force 2 


Shining Force 2 is the game that turned video games into a hobby (addiction) where before they were just a toy. Playing games on NES and even early genesis games amounted to "go as far as possible until you die and then restart from level 1". Fun, but not life consuming number 1 attraction for the nextt 20 years of your life fun. But shining force 2 was different- it had saves, it had a plot, it had a deep strategy system that was beyond jumping on palette swapped enemies as you run through the level. It had comedy, it had secrets to find including Claude the Golem and the secret of turning your paladin Chester into a winged knight. It had Slade the rat thief, who if you worked with would become Slade the Ninja- one of the best characters in the game. For its depth, its gameplay that holds up with the best tactics games of today, and for making me a true video game fan Shining Force 2 is my number 1 game of all time.

When your comparison is NES arcade ports, mario and sonic this is some pretty mind blowing stuff right here. 

The number 1 badass slade getting an instant kill with his secret mithril weapon

The map of the secret post credits battle- look familiar? 

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype