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Batman Akham Asylum - its just a turd of a game
Pokemon - do i really need to explain?
2D mario's. there good but when people keep throwing "creativity" and even more "innovation" at it, im just like wtf? plus there no was as good as a lot of nintendo fans claim them to be

Edit : Skyrim is over rated, i just didnt understand what the fuss was all about, yes its open world was awesome, but like 90% of the fights are in small linear caves. combat was week as well. its a good game an 8, but no way near the quality its said to be.

crysis 2 - a turd of a game as well, not as much as Batman though.

also all nintendo games are overrated - just because its a zelda or mario people automatically praise them, they are the only games that somehow get away with having the same damn poor stories every time and its like its a good thing with people. if any game has a poor story it gets shit loads of crap for it, expect when its a italian plumer who is saving a princess from a toad. im not saying their bad, but they are just over rated because they are mario or zelda or what ever