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Battle 1:

1st pit

2nd waddledee

3rd travis

4th dyappledy

5th -


Battle 2:

1st pit

2nd dyappledy

3rd travis

4th waddledee



Battle 3:

1st waddledee

2nd pit

3rd dyappledy

4th travis



Battle 4:

1st pit

2nd travis

3rd dyappledy

4th waddledee



Battle 5:

1st pit

2nd travis

3rd samus

4th dyappledy

5th waddledee



pit: 5+5+4+5+5=24pts

travis: 3+3+2+4+4=16pts

dyappledy: 2+4+3+3+2=14pts

waddledee: 4+2+5+2+1=14pts