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J_Allard said:
Anecdotal evidence is irrelevant. I don't know any PS3 owners off of the Internet that play any Sony franchises. It's all Madden, Call of Duty, and Battlefield. See how that works? And guess what? Software sales show we're both right. 2 MS games in the 360's top 10 (again, not counting Kinect Adventures) and 2 Sony games in the PS3 top 10. Maybe people play CoD and other multiplatform games on 360 because they are better there? Anyone who has played CoD knows this to be the case.

If the 360 has a huge inflated user base because of RROD then what does that say about PS3 gamers in regards to software sales? Not a hot look.

call of duty should be selling alot more on 360 but it only sells like 2 million more than the ps3 version which is nothing. 360 has 15m more consoles sold in US, which is call of duty territory and look how close they are. more impressive of ps3 if you ask me and maybe RROD did affect things.

Each release sells more on 360 by various numbers, it's not a flat 2 million difference per title. And on every release the difference in the US is higher than the difference WW so idk what point you are trying to make. It's not as simple as "well this console has such and such userbase and this one has such and such so this console should have sold such and such more". BO2 hasn't been out long enough, but MW3 sold at a higher rate on 360, even given the difference in userbase. Something like 1 in 4.5 on 360 versus 1 in 4.7 on PS3. Not a huge difference, but there shouldn't be. It's a FPS and the most popular one. It's going to be extremely popular on any console*. Furthermore who cares? I don't see what this has to do with CoD games playing better on 360 and that being a key cog resulting in some people playing it on 360 over PS3, which was what I was responding to. Just like I am sure plenty of people who own a 360 play the franchise on PS3 for free online play.


* - except Vita LOL