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richardhutnik said:
sc94597 said:
The NRA aren't for the Second Amendment, to be honest. They're for making money. So many times have they "compromised" on gun control legislation because they had got a deal out of it. GOA (Gun Owners of America) are much better. As for the solution, it has to do with these "free-gun zones" and their removal. At least give the schools a choice so the criminals don't know which is a "free-gun zone" and which is not. As for video game control, that is a violation of the first amendment, and equally intrusive as gun-control. The solution isn't a federal one, it's a state/local one and one rooted in the people.

@richardhutnik Why isn't arming teachers a sufficient solution? Back when teachers (AND STUDENTS in Middle/High school) were armed these things didn't happen. Kids brought their rifles to school when my great-grandmother was a young girl. They would go hunting afterwards or practice target shooting in their physical education class.

Did problems with guns in school occur before or after they decided to create gun free zones?  There are reasons why schools ended up having gun free zones.  You have teenagers who lose control, get in an argument, pull out and gun and shoot someone.  Have guns about and not only that, but you will end up gunning down people who had nothing to do with the incident.

As for arming teachers, is it going to be a requirement that teachers in school also be competent shots with the gun, and carry them?  And if so, are teachers going to be paid more money to pay for their own ammo, and guns?  Or will there a gun locker in the principle's office where the teachers check them out and return them at the end of the day, and what money would be available for this?

That sounds like a giant assumption on your point... you don't know why schools are gun free zones, nor is anybody talkin about arming students, who I don't think can even legally own guns

Additionally, there aren't many, if any cases of people gunning down others who had nothing to do with th incidient in concealed carry states.  


As for arming teachers.  You don't have to FORCE teachers to arm.  Just give them the option.   The knowledge that some teachers will have guns wil stop some of these cases from every happening.