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HappySqurriel said:
A question I would want answered with gun control is "What do you want to achieve?" and follow that up with "How does eliminating guns achieve that?" ...

If someone has the intent to do harm and is ready to break the law to accomplish that banning guns won't prevent them from doing harm; because they will probably be able to get an illegal gun, and even if they can't they could find some other way (bomb, kinfe, car, etc.) to do the harm they want.

 It’s redundant arguing what humans will do, humans have tendances to be evil they we never change but guns being so easy to obtain is a problem and makes those tendances easier to act on, much easier to stop some in a rampage with a knife then a gun. Now people might say guns people want guns they will get them use they will but people that do this mass shooting are normally your average joe and wouldn’t have connection to get these weapons illegally. It’s as easy in America to get an AK-47 as to get a knife licence in Australia, that doesn’t make you ask any questions? Banning all guns isn’t needed but banning semi automatic weapons is, what possible reason do you need a weapon designed for war. Quite frankly guns shouldn’t be allowed outside of the house, I’m quite sure you founder fathers would’ve approved of the right to bare arms if they knew these events would happen on a regular bases.