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richardhutnik said:

Did problems with guns in school occur before or after they decided to create gun free zones?  There are reasons why schools ended up having gun free zones.  You have teenagers who lose control, get in an argument, pull out and gun and shoot someone.  Have guns about and not only that, but you will end up gunning down people who had nothing to do with the incident.

As for arming teachers, is it going to be a requirement that teachers in school also be competent shots with the gun, and carry them?  And if so, are teachers going to be paid more money to pay for their own ammo, and guns?  Or will there a gun locker in the principle's office where the teachers check them out and return them at the end of the day, and what money would be available for this?

Actually looking here  the teachers were more often the victims than the ones who killed (just skimming it I didn't find a single teacher as the killer), and it was by those who didn't regularly bring guns. However; since you asked, 

"The late 1980s began to see a major increase in school shootings, including:"


Thirty-five school shootings happened DURING the last assault weapon ban, including columbine. All after the "Gun-Free School Zones" act. 

Meanwhile in the 1950s, when my grandmother was a girl only twenty school shootings happend, and most of these cases were "revenge" cases against teachers. NONE of them were mass-shootings, and all of the murderers were late teenagers (15-18) who killed teachers or classmates on purpose with forethought, with the exception of two which were accidents. 

As for arming teachers, it should be a choice on the teacher's part. If they conceal-carry then nobody will know whether the teacher is carrying or not. And hence, a school would be far less of an easy target, because these mass-murderers want to kill as many people as possible and hence choose the most vulnerable targets. 


edit: " Prior to 1989, there were only a handful of incidents in which two or more non-perpetrators were killed by firearms at a school, including the 1966 University of Texas massacre, the 1974 Olean High School shooting, the 1976 California State University, Fullerton massacre, and the 1979 Cleveland Elementary School shooting (the 1927 Bath School disaster was a bombing, not a shooting, with a firearm used only to detonate explosives), the most recent shooting was the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting on December 14, 2012. From 1989 to 2012, there have been at least 40 such incidents."

What passed right after 1989? Oh yeah! The "Gun-Free Zones act"