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The NRA aren't for the Second Amendment, to be honest. They're for making money. So many times have they "compromised" on gun control legislation because they had got a deal out of it. GOA (Gun Owners of America) are much better. As for the solution, it has to do with these "free-gun zones" and their removal. At least give the schools a choice so the criminals don't know which is a "free-gun zone" and which is not. As for video game control, that is a violation of the first amendment, and equally intrusive as gun-control. The solution isn't a federal one, it's a state/local one and one rooted in the people.

@richardhutnik Why isn't arming teachers a sufficient solution? Back when teachers (AND STUDENTS in Middle/High school) were armed these things didn't happen. Kids brought their rifles to school when my great-grandmother was a young girl. They would go hunting afterwards or practice target shooting in their physical education class.