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Libertarian position is as follows.. you do not put a fireman in every school.. you do however have extinguisher.. non of the other stances make any sense.. you give the teachers. the right to carry concealed weapons. to prevent this from happening again.. (The Teachers as thus protect their students.) All the other stuff is far fetched and makes no logical sense.

Nintendo Wii by generations...

1. Wii

2. Wii U

3. Wii O U

Predictions made by gamers concerning the current Nintendo line up of games.

Pikmen 3= Little Bump to nothing. (Got Little Bump)

Wind Waker HD= Won't sell anything (The explosion happened here and at one time 4 Wii U games was in the Amazon top 100)

Super Mario 3D World= Won't help at all looks cheap. (Currently the most sought after Wii U game and continuing the Wii U increase.)