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yum123 said:
The op has one glaring option missing, the best option remove guns completely and get them out of americas culture. which other western cultures and showing americans the example. also get rid of this stupid misconception that its a god given right that all you americans have the right to a murder weapon.

What I listed were arguments around the Libertarian and GOP side.  What you propose isn't connected to either of these options.  What you say may be an appropriate solution, but it isn't in keeping.  Another factor here is that the second amendment says that the citizentry should bear arms and those rights not be restricted, because it is essential to a well run militia.  The idea is to have the citizens be their country's defense, to defend against foreign invaders and also be able to overthrow the government, in the case of a dictatorship.  This "stupid misconception" you speak about is the second amendment.