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#5 - The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening is an amazing feat of game-engineering. It was the third Zelda game I'd ever played and the first on a handheld system. I feel, that this game is heavily underrated, as it is truely one of the greatest games ever made. Everything about it is correct. The story, the length, the difficulty, the sound and music, the level-design, the enemy design and the item roster. And that's what made this game great. This entry is for the 'DX' version of the game, because Color beats No Color. When the game first came out, it was on a system that was of course less powerful than it's home console counterpart, like a handheld always is. However, the Zelda entry on this handheld beat it's 'big' console brother in every area thinkable besides resolution. Link's Awakening features many 'firsts' for the Zelda series; among them useable musical items, sidequests, cutscenes and mini-bosses. Not to mention the Fishing mini-game. The game also features dungeons and bosses which are at least as elaborate as A Link to the Past's, and in some cases also surpassing them (like the Eagle Tower dungeon, and the final boss of the game). All this still make me wonder how this game was possible on GameBoy. So while it is an absolutely beautiful game, the biggest legacy this game has for me; is that one cannot judge something by the package and that underneath something subtle like a GameBoy box can be something that transcends all expectation!

#4 - ?

This game is usually overshadowed by it's very well known spiritual predecessor. Maybe it's the slight 'childish' look of the game...