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Ssenkahdavic said:
Kasz216 said:
Ssenkahdavic said:
HappySqurriel said:
Ssenkahdavic said:

He's not saying it's a racial problem so much as... it's largely a problem that mainly effects minorties... and he's mostly right.

Not mass shootings though.   Mass shootings are usually middle class people from good homes that make good money.

Yep.  The issue here is many more people die from smaller scaled shootings than Mass Shootings, but Mass Shootings get the "Glory" treatment by the media. 

And ya, I agree with the bolded.  Just felt the need to point that out.  It goes back to the new American Pasttime, deflecting the blame.  At first glance a good bit of people would "Blame Race" from the graphs.  Others would blame guns.  Then comes the actual % stats and its incredible....

All goes back to its easier to Regulate Rules on Items than to Fix Social Issues.  We have seen what happens when governments try to Force Morality (or their form of morality) on the population. 

I blame it on the metods.  Democrats still try and solve every problem with WW2 FDR era knowledge of just directly throwing money at whatever the problem is.


When we actually have advanced in social and behvaiorial sciences since then... and none of that ever gets used.