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platformmaster918 said:
JayWood2010 said:
platformmaster918 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Aura7541 said:

No I haven't had the time or even wanted to debate about things like this lately.  If you want to get all angry then go right ahead but I expect facts not some opinion piece of garbage that has nothing to back it up.  So yes I don't even want to waste time on you guys.  But I'm glad you took the time to reply to me twice talking about the same thing.  

I'm not saying Xbox is a one hit wonder because their userbase has grown now and obviously something made by Microsoft wasn't going to stay down at 24 million forever, but they were spotted a TON of sales by Sony mistakes.  Without this gen's severe handicaps Sony will most likely lead them next gen.  The brand name is stronger as shown by the higher sales even though PS is STILL more expensive.  If it's the highest selling console despite being the most expensive the entire gen that may be the first time that's ever happened.

Both mistakes and things you do right defines you.  You act as if Sony has sold a lot more than MSFT and that is simply not true. They virtually sell the same, while sony has been outselling it lately but not by a lot either. And no Sony did not spot MSFT those sales.  X360 has more western games than Sony so most likely the NeXbox will stay dominate in the West next gen.  It hasn't been some fluke like you act like.  MSFT has proven to be a great competitor and has topped Sony in many ways.  What mistakes has sony made?  Releasing a $600 console?  Besides that what was a big mistake they've made.  No you just aren't giving credit where it is due.  Both MSFT and Sony has captured hardcore gamers but Kinect has been a success and XBL as well.  MSFT brought Achievements, a great online, and many others to this generation.  What has sony brought new?  MSFT has had a good business strategy and by you acting like they were some fluke and they don't deserve it makes you look bad.  Sony has done well with the PS3 but it lost a lot of market share to both Nintendo and MSFT, so instead of making excuses step up and realize that both Ninetendo and MSFT has done extremely well this generation.

You and others seem to think Sony is some dominate force like they use to be, but in present day it isn't.  MSFT and Sony will continue to compete next gen at a high level.

My whole point is MSFT was not spotted those sells, they earned them.

oh I see so a $400 PS3 released in 05 wouldn't have changed anything?  Got it.  I'll give Nintendo all the credit in the world.  They have earned their sales by offering a different experience and selling top notch games in underdevloped genres (in this day and age the platformer is one such genre especially 3d ones like Galaxy), but most 360 gamers I see buy COD and sports.  The only exclusive that really sells their system is Halo and to a certain extend Gears.  $600 wasn't the only mistake (although probably the biggest).  They were a year behind.  They offered none of their big franchises (GT, GoW, MGS, Uncharted) near launch.  All of these things would've resulted in death if Xbox had done it.  Instead of that fate, PS OUTSOLD the competition, which is an incredible feat considering they did SPOT MS all this stuff.  Even playing field in price and release=xbox dominated.  PS3 is still more expensive which means people are buying it for 1 of 2 things or both.  They are buying it for exclusives, or free online (PS+ is included in this value).  Selling more at the end of a generation indicates people are pleased with a system or word of mouth is better for that system.

And in the mean time X360 still makes more money and sells more software.  They didn't earn anything though, they weree created off of sony's mistakes alone, I get it.  Halo, Fable, forza, Left 4 Dead, and the countless other games including multiplatform and arcade games were all flukes created by sony's mistakes.  I understand now.

You are playing a what if game.