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Jazz2K said:
MB1025 said:
Aldro said:

Am I the only one that supports Sony, not for the PS3 being stronger or weaker? Like.. who cares?

I support Sony for their decision in having so many talented developers working to push the console. I pity that MS only is getting there now. As a gamer, I feel disgusted that it took so long. Just look at the reactions in this thread. Have you all been sitting and rolling your thumbs for the last 4-5 years? I am aware that there have been stunning looking games for the 360. But the way you act now doesnt display that, at all. Maybe it is true and MS hasnt even been able to compete at all until today. We are arguing that a game of 2012 is up to par with 2009-2010 and 2011. I mean thats ridicilous in all honesty! It SHOULDNT be like this.

And with next year around the corner and Sony having 3 titles, I mean.. lol.

I just find it funny. To me Gears 3 was close enough for me to tell that the console is obviously able to produce awesome stuff. BUT the focus just isnt there. Halo 4 and Forza Horizon but to what extent? Uncharted 3, Uncharted 2, God of War III, Killzone 3, Killzone 2, Metal Gear Solid 4. Im glad you guys got two titles to be happy about. I for one, would not be pleased. And its not about the console at all. Its about the approach of Microsoft, it differs too much from mine. I for one, am glad that I get to experience TWO new IPs: The Last Of Us, Beyond and have SSM do their second God of War next year. We should all ask more from MS. We really should. Yes you can throw in Gears for MS too, or any other game you want. Doesnt change the fact that for 4 consecutive years (08-11), Sony has been praised by the critics over and over. The bar could be even higher if MS would remotely care and try harder, pushing Sony even moreso.

I really hate this IP argument. It is like such a 7 year old thing. IP's don't matter anymore. It only matters to this online forum gaming bubble. I don't care what company has more IP's coming out. If people are interested in a game it doesn't matter what brand is on it. Why should I care how many games come from Microsoft Studios? I bought my 360 and PS3 to play games. I could care less if there wasn't another Halo or Gears of War. Because I know Ubisoft, Gearbox, Valve, Rockstar, Remedy, Bethesda, and 100 other companies are making games.

This spring Bioshock Infinite, Dead Space 3, Tomb Raider, Splinter Cell, and GTA 5 are hitting store shelves. Your telling because Microsoft just has Gears of War as a 360 I won't know what to do with myself until the next exclusive drops?

Give me a break.

Don't bother...   

Anything in this list is irrelevent to Sony only fans on these boards.

Mario and co.
MS IPs such as Fable, Halo, Gears, Forza
Anything Kinect
Anything Wii
Arcade/Indy games unless they're exclusive to PSN
Console Exclusive
Graphics outside PS3

quoted 4 truth