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Max King of the Wild said:

It gives us heart disease yet Dr. still recomend it... weird. huh?

Your "Doctor" doesn't read the most common of medical publications then.

British Medical Association (BMA) was first to shed light on the many benefits of a vegetarian diet in a 1986 report....

Beginning in 1983, the China study, looked at 6,500 participants ... the average vegetarian had twice the iron intake of the average U.S. citizen.

The highly respected World Health Organization (WHO) ... found that meat and dairy-rich diets promote other diseases as well, including osteoporosis or low bone density, and kidney failure. WHO went so far as to predict the cancer crisis the world now faces, based on the meat-rich dietary trends of Western nations. The report candidly faulted governments for public Dietary Guidelines that promote meat and dairy as necessary foods, urging more vegetarian-based policies where animal products are relegated to optional status.

...Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM). ...stating that a vegetarian diet is healthy, meets Recommended Daily Allowances, and does not lack protein.

 The Oxford study was underway. Gathering data over a period that spanned an excess of 13 years and involved over 11,000 people, it not only confirmed lower rates of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other diseases among vegetarians, but also found a 20% decrease in premature mortality rates. Simply put, if you eat a vegetarian or vegan diet, you have a 20% better chance of living longer than if you eat meat, according to the study.

... American Dietetic Association (ADA)..."


With doctors like those I shouldn't be surprised that so few people actually know what the facts are.