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Well after watching the full video BEFORE reading all the comments, it is clear who has watched it and who hasn't as the points raised by these people are answered in the video.

i.e herbivore vs carnivore animals, more than 50% of our food grains used to feed the animals instead of humans etc..

The guy does raise some good points and I got nothing wrong with him. He even showed some meat replacements products that taste like meat. Saying that I have never seen them in my local supermarkets so can't comment how they taste.

I will however still continue eating meat until the day one of these other alternatives tastes as good as meat and is easy to buy as it is to get a cut of meat.

All the animal cruelty parts in that video has been seen my many people before via news channels. Sure what they do is wrong but I don't think everyone treats the animals that way. I would support tougher laws on idiots.

FINALLY it is good to see how guns are so brainwashed into american culture as a thread about food had to have SOMEONE bring up guns to shoot animals lol.