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Farsala said:
Everything terrible, even the 3DS in its 2nd year is down 12-18% this year. It seems the market as a whole has less people buying due to the end of the generation. I wonder if when the market does recover if all sales will go up significantly, even vita.

Well 3DS is up in Japan. Everywhere else though.... :(

But honestly, the 3ds had Mario Kart and Super Mario 3D Land in 2011 during Christmas season. We got Paper Mario.... If Animal Crossing would have been released in US and Europe like it did in Japan then 3DS might have had a slight increase. I think 2013 is going to be it's killer year: Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem, Dragon Quest VII, Monster Hunter, Luigi's Mansion and much more. I'm more scared for Wii U's line-up.