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naruball said:
ebw said:
VGKing said:
outlawauron said:
kowenicki said:
VGKing said:
kowenicki said:
Vita has its first pre holiday anniversary. Sales down over 70% and only one title in the top 30.


How is that surprising? Its Japanese support is virtually non-existant. PSP is the one getting all that Japanese love.

Where did I say it's surprising. 

The "Wow." at the end implies some sort of shock or surprise.

THIS. At least where I come from which is the United States..

No, for any reasonable person (even in the United States), "Wow" could also be used to express disbelief at some unusual or extreme occurrence.   This is an emotion that is separate from our rational ability to make predictions.  It's not surprising or shocking when an aurora appears after a large solar flare: but if I see one I'll still say "Wow".  Just because I understand the cause doesn't mean I can't be amazed to witness it.

Kowenicki writes the same thing every week in Media create threads:

"Wow at Vita. Terrible/horrendous/destroyed by 3ds" or anything along those lines. We've discussed it before and he suggested that he likes pointing out the obvious. At least once every week.

Just because the Vita has been failing for a year now does not mean that we should ignore it.

There's no reason we should "leave it alone" - especially after hearing about how successful it would be.

When something launched with great expectations and fell flat on its face, it should be recognized for that week in and week out.

Just because it's not favorable for some to hear, does not mean that it should not be said.

I believe that once people stop saying "It hasn't had its first second Christmas", "Wait till the big games come out", "It needs Monster Hunter", etc etc etc; people will stop saying "Another terrible week for Vita", "Vita is a complete failure", and "3DS creamed Vita in the face with remarkable amounts of its fertile love inducing baby batter".

Time will tell.