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jonnybmk said:

No offense, dude, but it's like I said in one of your other threads.

Brazil is irrelevant. There's the USA ( a county), Japan ( a country), and Europe ( a CONTINENT).

How is a South American country even in the conversation?

No offense...

The rate of growth in Brazil is impressive. It's a sign that the country will be relevant soon, so whichever companies gain the most brand recognition in Brazil in the next couple of years will have a huge advantage.

Brazil also has a significantly larger population than Japan.


VGKing said:

ICapcom wouldn't do it willingly, Nintendo must be paying them. Maybe there's some form of next-gen timed-exclusive sort of thing? I just don't see why Capcom would willingly abandon a platform or company which made their IP such a phenomenon.

Nintendo does not pay for exclusives. They have stated multiple times that they are strongly against that as a business practice. They instead make "deals" with third parties that are advantageous for both companies, including allowing third parties to use their IP in exchange for exclusive games.

That is not the case with Monster Hunter. Capcom recognized that the 3DS was more of a sure-fire success than the Vita. They probably opted to 'wait and see' with the Vita, and now see that making a Monster Hunter title for the platform would not be financially beneficial to them. They chose the console with the (much) larger install base, so they can sell their games to a larger pool of customers.