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You guys aren't taking in account of other factors.

1. Can supply keep up with the increased demand if they lowered the price?
- They can definitely sell more at a a loss but what is the point? They don't have the supply to cater to market demand at that price point. When they become overstocked (due to lack of sale), its an automated process that they will do a price cut to purge their stock even at a loss but until then, the price is fine where it is.

2. 3DS and PSVita are different enough in capability that they each cater to a different demographic market (age, gamer, income-earner). Which means, if someone buys a 3Ds, it doesn't mean they won't buy PSVita and vice Versa. So 3Ds taking a massive mobile gaming market share right now should not have an effect on the life time sale of the PSVita.

3. PSMobile - Sony is pushing their PSM platform similar to google play/IOS. Until the games/Apps numbers hit critical mass, there is no reason to damage the brand, by getting more people on board to a 'lack-of-content' platform.

Sony has stated before, their strategy for vita is to for their content to be the incentive for people to buy their vita not the price.