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Train wreck said:
N-Magic said:
Nintendomintation at it’s finest. The Wii U will pick up in the coming months with Monster Hunter, Pikmin 3, Rayman Legends and Wonderful 101 coming soon. Excellent start for Wii U.

Dont know how people can be so delusional.  Monster hunter is already out and its out the top 30.  Those games you mentioned are not system sellers. and its selling half of what the Wii did in the same time period for this week.

Well, it's really hard to predict sales right now, isn't it? The Wii U is selling decently - just inbetween horrible and crazy. When something sells as low as the Vita it's hard to predict something like "its sales will explode next year!" and it's hard to predict something to bomb if it does Wii-like numbers. But Wii U sales are currently in that grey zone inbetween where things could go either way. I wouldn't expect it to sell more than 10m units LT in Japan and I sure as hell don't expect it to get any serious 3rd party support (rather Nintendo securing games by making deals with publishers and developers) but it doesn't need to sell crazy to become a healthy platform for Nintendo. 10m LT sales sounds like a realistic goal to me. The japanese home console market has been in decline for years now and we should adjust our expectations accordingly.