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Resistance 2 New Details
By admin ⋅ February 11, 2008 ⋅ Post a comment
Resistance 2 will feature the Chimera in a major onslaught at the San Francisco Bridge and other American landmarks.

Insomniac games have finally started talking facts. In a major feature of the Official PlayStation Magazine UK they have revealed a number of exciting new details. Resistance 2 continues where the first game finished, with Nathan travelling to Iceland, the base of SRPA (Special Projects Research Administration.) When he gets there he discovers that there are others humans who have been infected by mutant DNA who also have mutant healing and telepathic abilities. They have been bought together as a task force known as the Sentinels, each with their own abilities and weapons.

The Multi-player modes are not tacked-on cameos to the single player game, they are fully fledged co-stars! A lot of work has been put into the co-op. Lead Designer Colin Munson says “Eight players is that sweet team size. It’s enough so that you pretty much know the people on your team but it’s big enough to let new players in.” The co-op campaign will focus on teamwork, with the game testing players ability to work together. “The initial bridge attack forces players to deal with danger from multiple angles. The Titans meanswhile require the squad to divide and conquer, as these behomoths can easily take out an entire squad with one hit from a rocket cannon.”

The 60 person multiplayer game will be divided into 2 teams of 30. Each team will be divided into smaller squads with their own objectives. Insomniac will make it easy and fun to get online.

* There are 3 co-op character classes. Soldier, medic, and special-ops trooper. Each can collect XP points to improve their skills (ala Call of Duty 4.)

* The Splitter is a new weapon, a mini-gun that can spray a barrage of rounds

* Special abilities can be ‘charged up’ by killing aliens. If your shields are down, kill more aliens to recharge.

* The medic will shoot a special gun on the injured

* The new stalker has been significantly upgraded in detail level and functionality. It now features a big red eye at the front.

* New super-bosses. Giant size. That arent taken down the same way as other enemies are taken down. They have full AI, and dynamic animation.

Hopefully ALL PlayStation 3 owners will finally get around to buying themselves a headset/PlayStation Eye, because shouting tactics when no one is listening is never fun. Seriously, if you can afford a PS3 surely you can pay £10 quid for a cheap bluetooth?! [Rant Over] 60 player battles is gonna be as brilliant as it sounds.

You can read the full article in the March issue of Official PlayStation Magazine UK. Resistance 2 will be released in Autumn this year.

We you like to thank our friend Andronix for this post of it was so good to us we could not add anything to it you can vist is site by clicking on is name.

Time to Work !