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#7 - GoldenEye 007 on the N64 was not the first shooter-game I've ever played, but it is the best. The first Call of Duty ended up very high on the list, but no FPS game beats GoldenEye. Before this, there were the likes of Doom, Wolfenstein 3D and Quake which got mediocre ports to home consoles and all of them were awkward to play. GoldenEye fixed this however, and paved the way for the genre to grow extremely popular outside of PC. I had a great time with the stellar single-player mode of this game, but the multiplayer is where the innovation was. Split-screen already existed, but to play with friends fluently in a four-way split-screen was something new. That and the streamlined controls due to the N64's analogue stick made for intense matches. This game taught me that there is no harm in mindless fun!

#6 - ?

The first time a game in this series went with full 3D models was on a failed console add-on, but the second game that did this (this game), gave the game a look that still looks absolutely stunning and super realistic to this day. Though, it get's a little jagged if you zoom in too far...