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Yet more games announced (or leaked in this case) for Q1 in Japan:

Atelier Meruru Plus, March 30th, leaked by Japanese retailer:


Idk what the fuck is going on lately.  We get a whole year after release with two notable releases and weeks of drought in Japan, then we have literally one of the most rammed Q1 release schedules I've seen.  It's like Sony panicked after Vita released in Japan and went on a mass recruiting spree for Vita which is just coming to fruition now.  Which is probably what happened, actually.


Also, I don't know if you guys are interested in this, but in Guerrilla's Christmas message:

They mention that Studio Cambridge is now called "Guerrilla Cambridge" (nice to finally get some clarification one that one).  But the more surprising thing mentioned in this quote:

"2013 is gearing up to be another big year for Guerrilla - quite possibly the biggest since we released the original Killzone way back in 2004".

Just wondering if that's hinting at something else releasing in 2013, since 2004 was the year they released Shellshocked + Killzone.

I'm pretty sure whatever it is will be PS3/4, but still.