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Nr 7 is a new entry for me this year, Dark Souls!

The biggest star of the game for me is the intricate seamlessly connected three dimensional world. It's of a level that you don't normally see. No separation between overworld, dungeons and indoor/outdoor areas, it all fits and links together without ever taking you out of the fantasy world.
The difficulty in the game suits one important purpose, to make you go slow and pay attention to the environment so you'll end up with the whole world memorized by the end of the game. I can still easily traverse the whole game world in my mind after a year of playing the game. And those lovely shortcuts and alternate routes make sure travelling back and forth never gets boring.
Going lost in the depths for hours on the way to Blighttown was one of the scariest game experiences this gen. I jumped/fell of some structures in a mad run to escape with my life and ended up at a bonfire. I didn't know the way back or the way forward, it was dark and extremely deadly all around. My weapons and armor were slowly degrading. The only way forward was to slowly build a map of the area in my  mind, exploration at its finest. Never have I felt so relieved in a game when I finally reached the way down to relative safety in Blighttown.