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outlawauron said:
I think it's hilarious that a single game at the end of the generation suddenly makes Monolith Soft a contender at all for this sort of title or honor. Nintendo handles them so incredibly poorly (it's either that or they're just as horrid as Squeenix with time management) so that they do not push out enough games.

Expecting a studio to put out as many games today as was put out back then is to ignore the changes in scope of development.

ishiki said:

I agree with this. 

Also, obviously I like SE, I don't think they are what they once were in JRPG's. But still, It's not like they've done nothing, not including final fantasy XIII series. 

The World Ends With you
Dragon Quest IX
Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep
Chaos Rings 
Chaos Rings II
Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Final Fantasy: Dissidia

Now that's definetely not as high of quality as their PSX days. But comparitively to other JRPG companies I don't see how they're that far behind.

That's not counting titles that got released in Japan and not west, which is a bit annoying.
Final Fantasy Type-0
Bravely Default
Dragon Quest X
Nor their Eidos Games.
Nor their DQ/FF/Tactics Ogre remakes that a lot of people liked.

The World Ends With You was co-developed with Jupiter.
Dragon Quest IX was developed by Level 5
Chaos Rings wasdeveloped by Media Vision
Chaos Rings II was developed by Media Vision
Bravely Default: Flying Fairy was developed by Silicon Studio
Dragon Quest X was developed by Armor Project

Half of yout list are not even SE developed titles, just published.



By the way, Media Vision is the developer of the old Wild Arms series, not SE.

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