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Stefan.De.Machtige said:
kitler53 said:
i'll take it you are too young to have owned a NES or SNES...

I'm 31. So yes, i played a lot of difficult NES games. 

Most of those NES games i could forgive because the industry was young (and me). Getting a good balance of controls and challenge was still difficult. Nintendo did those thing mostly right. Others did not (kuch... Turtles).

And when the SNES came along, games were far better. That balance of controls and challenge improved on many levels. It made things far more enjoyable for a gamer.

With each newer console, that mix improved even more.

That's actually the reason why those Cave levels are now really bad. Retro has no excuse to make such aggravating levels. They are ruining the enjoyument of the game. For no point.

Don't say that it ruins enjoyment.  If you don't like the levels use super kong.  I for one thought that the caves were BRILLIANT. 

Look let me put it this way, I believe that DCKR is not just one of the greatest DKC games, but one of the best 2D platformers ever made (and I've played a lot seeing as how its my favorite genre).  The level design was beyond perfect and the addition of the barrel and kart levels to that extent just made the whole game magnificant.  I 200%ed the game.  My two sisters reached 190% in the game.  I played all of the cave levels and did all the time trials for that world.  It was simply amazing


And by the way, my sisters are in no way hardcore gamers, however, they loved the game so much that they stuck with it and got better and better and better until they beat the whole game and went back for mirror mode.  So don't say that the difficulty ruined the game because, if anything, I'd love to see the next Donkey kong even more difficult.  Don't forget NSMBWii was WAAAAAAY too easy and it was a major put off for many.  So

"There is no reason for the team to make it so easy, they are just ruining the enjoyment of the game.  For no point".

P.S Dark Souls and Demon Souls are critically acclaimed for its difficulty but people often forget the term Nintendo hard.  Retro brings back Nintendo hard.  I want to see another Retro made DKCR, maybe after another metroid or something, but it is definatly something I want to see.