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Naninho said:
Teflon02 said:
Aerys said:
Someone to make a petition for One Piece PW2 in west ?

I'm sure it will come either way. problem is we need a petition for Retail in NA cause that's the reason I didn't buy the first game.

Is that how you support the games you like?

We do NOT need a petition for that. Be thankful you are getting something at all, because there were six One Piece games after the first Wii installment that skipped North America entirely.

When you buy games, you aren't paying for boxes or manuals. You're paying for software, and software is independent of the medium. Digital distribution services are the future, so you better get used to them.

Actually I buy games either way, but I'm not a One Piece fan, but was interested in trying the game and was willing to buy and try. But I can only artificially own it? and can't do nothing with it if I don't like it? no thanks. I buy every game I wanna suppor, but Even so I hate PSN releases of retail, I did the same with New Little Kings Story cause they don't wanna package the game but still wanna make people pay full price? No thanks. I like physically owning my games, and I my priority is physical games, they don't wanna do that, then unless your Ratchet or something like that to me you might as well count my buy out. I can care less what the future is, it will only be the future if people except that as the future. If people rather buy physical and they see more sales from pbysical it would never be phased out. Also you shouldn't be quick to judge since I've bought over 50 games on PSN within the last 3 years. I just hate buying full games at full price unnecessarily. I bought about 20 PSP games on it about 20 PSOne and 10 PSN or more and don't buy full games apart from Ragnarok which I still wanna buy the physical version for. Heck I didn't buy the PS3 PS ASBR cause I don't want a digital vita version so I bought the vita version first. I like my physical, cause I actually own it. Don't gotta worry about PSN being down for a month and not being able to get my games I haven't downloaded or worry about Memory space.