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That's easy. You don't have to rely on the false and misleading arguments in the video. All you have to do is ask: where did everything come from? and you will see a flood of inane arguments. The most hilarious answer is from nothing. Believe it or not many atheists belief this. I know it sound too ridiculous to believe, but they do. Others, who don't think very well say we came from a multiverse. This is also very funny. Where did the multiverse come from then? A multiverse doesn't answer the question, but an atheist can't understand this. So ask away and be entertained. The atheist isn't clever enough to understand this issue, and will never learn. But it is amusing to watch them waffle from one stupid answer to another.

BTW, Hitler didn't follow the teachings of Christianity. Everyone knows that except the atheists. It doesn't matter how many religious people were in the Nazi party. Not everyone in Germany in the time of Nazism was evil. Hitler followed evolution which teaches amoral survival of the fittest, as did the other great atheistic murderers like Stalin.