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kowenicki said:

Genre love (Halo alone assures massive adoption) Sure, Halo guarantees success, but not domination. 

Home brand Doesn't really mean much in America... Japanese brands dominated only until this gen.

LIVE continuity This is a good point, and this infrastructure will probably go a long way. That said, as a consumer. if you're going to make a leap the best time would be at a generation leap no? What if Sony offer practically the same service for free? That won't mean Sony will dominate, not at all, but it will likely mean Microsoft won't.

Exclusive entertainment content deals Such as?

Ecosystem integration What ecosystem?

Those last 2 questions are not meant to be argumentative, I'm just not exactly sure whay you mean.

By the way, I think Nextbox will win next gen, I just don't think anyone will "utterly obliterate" the competition in any region, aside from maybe Nintendo in Japan.