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Marucha said:

Burden of proof rant.

Hey, I noticed you ignored my previous post to you. Here, I'll copy it so you can adaquately respond to the criticisms.

dsgrue3 said:
Marucha said:

So is this an attempt at censorship? Please clarify. I don't mind criticism, but I don't feel like just because I have a different viewpoint that doesn't fit someone's template that I should be attacked out-right either. I don't attack other people for their own beliefs, in fact I completely understand and honor an athiest's POV out of my own experiences. I may not be real interested in every single criticism some people may have, but I do consider their viewpoint too as part of living.

Really honestly, I have no idea who exactly you are targetting with your message. So are you saying people shouldn't even talk about it or are you just saying people shouldn't push it? It sounds like you're trying to intimidate. If I give respect to others just as much as I expect it... if the problem here is that some random people on the internet made you feel disgruntled, then you have to consider the venue and the source. If you have no malice towards others for having opposite beliefs and totally respect it, then this thread existing is no problem for me whatsoever... it's the fact that you seem to almost hint at the desire to intimidate or suppress someone's expression and that seems in itself more than nuetral, more hostile.

What happened to just random conversation without the fear that you may be attacked for what you believe in? I don't get that thinking. I shouldn't have to suppress casual conversation just because it may open an argument... I can politely say it's my opinion and leave it there. I have no beef with anyone else who thinks differently...  but why does every discussion about religion and spirituality have to turn to an exhausting debate? Wasn't the point of your thread against debates that go no where?

Atheism isn't a belief, it's a non-belief. It's a rejection of theism. It requires no faith, no belief. There isn't any evidence for a deity, thus I will not support such a conclusion. Simple.

Provide evidence to support your supernatural being or intelligent design, otherwise leave the thread. And that is the point.