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L.C.E.C. said:
Bingoo said:
L.C.E.C. said:
who do you think could have done a better job? Gore, Kerry?

I would have Bush over any other bastard who ran against him.

Gayness is wrong.
Abortion is wrong (except for rape). You shouldn't be Fucking if you're not married (especially if you're under 18). And if you are, you should be able to face the natural consequences.

I'm glad he is a moral president (unlike the last democrat we had in the White House as president.

Democratic supporters are never fuckin happy. If you want change, wait for the next election. Don't bitch and bash. It is impossible to make everyone happy.


gayness is wrong so is abortion? Now you bring in that it fucking is wrong?

Im under 18 and ive had sex, and guess what no consequences. Just because your beliefs state this does not mean they are right, you are completely intertwining religion and politics, not everyone has the same religion of you.

Moral is a relative term. Who says he is moral when we go into iraq for oil when you have starving children all around the world, and you have REAL countrys that are REALLY under dictatorship.

ROFL at the kerry comment, you have your head way to far up your ass my friend.


If you have to rule out religion, science can still that prove most of those things are wrong.

1. The Origin of the species show that gays are not meant to survive, because they rarely (if ever) reproduce. (survival of the fittest)

Ok.... i still cant believe you brought science into this, you know that we have plenty of non gay people out there that will keep the population up! If your not talking religion who are you to say that two people should not love each other if they cant reproduce. Plenty of non gay couples decide not to have children it could be no different.

2. Abortion, hm... well, for one,

    A. Most forms of abortion force a woman to no longer be able to bear children. and for 2

    B. You are killing your own young. That is a sign of insanity.

Abortion can also save the lives of alot of teenagers and rape victims. Abortion can also lead to stim cell research, but then again bush VETOED that as well didnt he. Its not really killing your young at that early of a stage

3. Underage sex... Humans' sexual organs are not fully developed before 18, and just because you had no consequences YET, doesn't mean your partner didn't, and it also means that you may still end up with consequences. It can take up to 10 years for STDs to start producing symptoms.

Yea let me tell you, since we were both virgins those stds will come a rolling. Ever heard of safe sex? Im doubting if you even got some as a teenager or could have.

Now For the Common Sense Section: 

1. Last I remember, We went into Iraq for a potential threat to National security and Nuclear weapons (Weapons that were believed to be given to them from the US during the Cold War) I highly doubt we went in for oil. Iraq WAS under a dictatorship. That's why he could do whatever he wanted whenever he wanted. He killed thousands, if not millions, in the worst ways possible. I read an article about how he gave his son a person to execute, and they put him through a woodchipper, head first, and apparently, he knew about it, and didn't care.

You understand they went of false intelligence which they knew was false. Ive read so many danm reports where they knew that there were no weapons and they knew that they had their facts WRONG. Whats a threat to national security when they dont have weapons. And trust me oil was a big deal its not hard to see. You do understand that Africa is going under far worse dictatorships currently, why the hell are we not their and rescueing them? O yea cause they dont have oil.

2. My head is perfectly far out of my ass, or else I wouldn't have seen the Bush-Kerry debates, where Kerry said he would try to negotioate with the terrorists.

I just watched americas funniest moments Heres a moment from Bush

"You know that phrase "fool me once, shame...... errr shame.....err... shame on me once... uhhh... well just you cant full me twice"

Heres another moment, where bush is done with his speech and walks off the stage and finds the doors locked cause he went the wrong way.

Seriously, Think twice before just assuming that I was just talking about religion.

Your science sure as hell doesnt work.


Owner of all consoles cept DS.....Currently in love with prototype!