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I find it hilarious that we now as people are being told to close our minds because science clues us in otherwise... uhh... even scientists and science would not stop until every last brick of evidence and information is turned over that points us to some truth! Ever heard of the 'God particle'? Yes, some whack job schitzophrenic scientist is trying to figure that one out. What created us!? Come on, you people have google and wikipedia, surely you can inform me exactly how and why I came to exist! Most stuff that scientists have come to accept are still theories. I'm not disputing anything in particular, but do you raelize the difference between theory and proof?? Can you go before the big bang? Can you see describe and explain the meaning of life? Can you give me a complete total picture here?! Of course not!! That's why scientists are working so hard to explore and explain this stuff! They will not rest! Even science has yet to explain everything!

But instead of using science and reason to encourage more discussion, we're now instead using that same 'logic and reason' to suppress an open mind. All while also holding onto our own incredible biases and hypocricy. You tell me, without an ounce of an open mind, what purpose you serve in discussion then. There are more ways to view and interpret the world than just the one that you personally hold, but if you don't care to discuss any one of them, then all of you just should get out of my religious/spirituality thread if you're not actually going to try discussing them! LOL! ...what arrogance!


My point is: Even when others have tried to meet you halfway on your own viewpoints, you beat them over the head and tell them to get out of your thread. Hypocricy. Nothing else to discuss here since this thread is now a non-discussion. It's fruitless so I won't continue it any further, but it is sure is uncanny that we're now on the other side of the spectrum of discussion opposite religious zealots.