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dsgrue3 said:
cyberninja45 said:

Now thats a better response and a very interesting one, well the only response I got actually from someone on the thread. So your saying there could be other colors outside the spectrum. But why would it be near impossible to at least imagine it?

It's not like you are using your eye to observe (which might be impossible) it would be in your mind.

It's definitiely imaginable, I just meant I couldn't fathom how it would appear. It's information overload and would probably interfere with our perception now, making everything hazy instead of clear. Kinda like motion blur, except with heat. Well, with infrared anyway.  

Now that I am back.

If I understood this post correctly "new colors" are possible but due to limits of our brain we would not be able to "understand it" or perceive it even though it is there, it would be incomprehensible to our brains.

My 3ds friendcode: 5413-0232-9676 (G-cyber)