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happydolphin said:
selnor said:

The colour looked off to me on the pad screen. 

IMO whats the point of having or doing something if its not quite their? Its supposed to be a new Console for the next 5-7 years not for the next 6 months. IMO its not like the Wii were motion controls carried the console. The screen and Pad have to stand up for the next 5 years at least. And I wasnt particularly impressed with the screen. Also some games dont work playing on just the tablet. Games like Zombie U are designed to be used with both screens. It seems you cant do everything with all games on this hardware like you could with the original Wii. 

At its price, as a game console controller, it does everything that it needs to do in terms of tactile functionality, and well. (imho)

It is not a direct competitor to the ipad, understand.

I agree. Its not supposed to be competing with the Ipad at all. But my eyes are used to seeing great tablet screens. Nexus. Kindlt Fire HD etc. I was underwhelmed is what Im saying. And you cant play all games on the screen alone. Which seems to detract from what the console can do. A developer has to make the decision to either have dual screen gameplay worked into the core gameplay or just have a normal game that plays on 1 screen. 


It all seems unfocused to me.