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Sony should work on releasing games worldwide at the same time. That would be awesome!

What they should to is to try and get every single Japanese games that they can the the west and vise versa. If there are no publishers or the ip hasn't been licensed yet, Sony should do it themselves.

Sure its a lot of work, but they can just work on translating the text and just leave the japanese audio or whatever. Sure some would say that they want the voices dubs so that they can understand it better. But getting a game in a language that one can understand, even if its just text is better than not getting it at all since you know, dubing is a shit load more expensive than just translating the texts.

Thats one of the reasons why the psone and ps2 were so sucessfull. A shit load of games from japan were made available to people in the west and that made the game catalog huge! (remember mister mosquito? yeah, that game was strange as hell, but it made it to the west)