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I thought long and hard of putting Ghost in the Shell in either the two movies or the series. However I think its a safe assumption with the series being on Adult Swim it will eventually be added anyway.

That said I also gave long consideration to adding Beautiful Dreamer 2, but honestly I doubt most posters have even seen it. Even though it was one of the genres break out titles in North America along with Akira.

Basically this thread will have all of a three year memory, and your not likely to see many series or movies released before that time. Only Ninja Scroll stands a real decent chance. Since the animation for the film still stands out as being exceedingly brilliant even today. Not to mention the enemy designs for that series are still breath taking which might mean much more to hardcore gamers. Finally it dominates the top of many a fans list. So perhaps being reminded of it they might throw a point its way.

I always advise people that are into anime to do the right thing and get a mail subscription to the likes of Blockbuster or Netflix. You can get a near limitless supply of anime, and at the very least some of the proceeds go back to the creators. When you support the creative process with money. You support the budgets that go into such creations. Hollywood can't make large summer blockbusters if you don't go to the theater. Animation studios need the money too even if its just a few cents.